luxury vinyl flooring

Check out the benefits of luxury vinyl flooring

The benefits of luxury vinyl flooring will serve you well in every space in your home where you need flooring. With excellent characteristics regarding appearance, functionality, durability, and lifespan, you simply can't go wrong with these materials in place.

For instance, the durability and lifespan mean that you won't have to go flooring shopping again for quite some time. And the beautiful appearances offer amazing ambiance and a warm and inviting appearances for rooms like foyers and living rooms. Be sure to find out more when you visit our luxury vinyl flooring store.

Luxury vinyl flooring benefits right in your home

If you've seen luxury vinyl flooring for yourself, then you know the extensive appearance options involved. If you don't care for the variety of colors and patterns, then you're sure to love the look of all-natural materials such as porcelain tile, solid hardwood, and a variety of stone. These make it possible to match every interior design scheme in every room.

But you'll also get exceptional durability, thanks to a construction that features layers such as the backing layer, core layer, design layer, and wear layer. Each serves a unique purpose, but it is the job of the wear layer to truly protect your floors.

You'll see fewer scuffs, scratches, and dings, leaving wear and tear to be the least of your worries. Instead, you'll simply be able to sit back and enjoy these floors for years, with most materials holding a 30-year lifespan when properly cared for and maintained.

Even if you've been told you can install your flooring yourself, it's best to choose the professional luxury vinyl installation that we offer for all our luxury vinyl floors. And after the installation is done, you'll find they're just as easy to keep clean.

The benefits of luxury vinyl flooring can be found right here

It is the core desire of American Carpet One to serve every Honolulu, HI resident with the very best in flooring service. You can visit our showroom, in the same city, at your convenience and find out much more about how our products match your needs.

If you're looking for a floor covering business, experienced in all manner of flooring, you've come to the right place. Just stop in at your convenience and see some of our extravagant pieces for yourself. And we look very forward to doing business with you.